Product + UX/UI Design

Sustainable Design Practices for Tech Gadgets and Eco-Friendly Resorts

Get ready to laugh and learn as we dive into the world of sustainable design practices in tech gadgets and eco-friendly resorts. Discover how Fairphone and Soneva Fushi are pioneering new paths in sustainability, without compromising on fun or comfort.

Diana Donaldson
April 15, 2024

Guess what? The earth called, and it wants its resources back! Too bad we can't request a planet-sized refund, right? Instead, let's look at sustainable design practices that are becoming the industry norm in two quite unassuming sectors tech gadgets and eco-friendly resorts.

Tech Gadgets: Our Pocket-Sized Planet Savers

Let’s kick off with tech gadgets those glorious digital wonders that we can’t live without. While we all love to swipe and tap, it's high time we swipe right for the environment, too.

Take the Fairphone, for instance. Here’s a smartphone that’s ticking all the right (recycled) boxes. Fairphone is leading the charge in the sustainable tech arena with their ethically sourced materials, modular design (a fancy phrase for 'easy to repair'), and minimalistic packaging. Owners of Fairphone can now drop their devices without the usual heart palpitations, knowing replacement parts are just a click away!

Photo Credits: Fairphone

Eco-Friendly Resorts: Vacations That Don't Cost The Earth

Switching gears, let's journey into the lavish world of eco-friendly resorts. These places make you feel great about doing absolutely nothing!

Consider the Soneva Fushi resort in the Maldives. This place has turned its back on plastic, not the ocean. They're committed to recycling and waste management, and yes, they do it in style. Their philosophy revolves around 'No News, No Shoes' encouraging guests to disconnect from the world and connect with nature. Just remember, if they say 'organic bed,' it doesn't mean you're sleeping on a giant lettuce!

Photo Credits: The Soneva Changemakers


Sustainable design practices are not just a fad; they're the future. It's encouraging to see industries reshaping their strategies around sustainability, without compromising the fun. Technology and travel sectors once considered notorious resource-guzzlers are now leading the green revolution. It's not just about saving our planet; it's also about creating a sustainable future that's full of innovation, comfort, and yes a good chuckle.

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