Do we want to be feared or loved?
Easy. Both.
We want people to be afraid of how much they love our designs.
More than ever before, companies need to stand out and be heard in a noisy and competitive market. The most successful brands have embraced the fact that seamless design is non-negotiable when it comes to capturing and keeping an audience.
Just as the once highly coveted color blue found its way into our daily lives, Be Indigo was founded to make good design more prolific.

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Diana Donaldson
Founder & Creative Director
It's safe to say that Diana seriously loves design. She has two degrees in the design field, 10 years of professional design experience and has been a creative director for the past five years. Building brands is what she does best.

It's also safe to say that she enjoys a good laugh. *cough* The Office *cough*
Lina Markiv
Designer & Project Manager
Finding the most creative solution is what drives Lina. While design is her passion, she also has notable experience in applied linguistics and business administration. Combining different skillsets is what makes ideas better, right?

Her favorite things to do in the morning are to plan the day and to drink a good cup of coffee!